

プログラマとバイク (1)

Lisp - The Ducati Of Programming Languages と題された記事を読む。

Lispy な筆者が,とある知り合いのバイク乗りに「バイクに乗るってどんな感じ?」と何気なく聞いてみると,彼はこんな風に答えたという。

"When you drive a car", he said, "there is a disconnect between your thoughts and the machine. You sense it, but you're never really conscious of it until you get a bike. You want the car to accelerate, you add some gas, and then you have to wait for a split second before the car listens to you. On a bike this delay is so much smaller, your brain doesn't really register it. You think of something, and you're there. A bike becomes a part of you - an extension of your body. You'll probably need a Ferrari to achieve such unity with a car."


果たして Common-LispDucati なのかはさて置き,プログラマとバイク乗りは(そして,恐らく飛行機乗りも),意外に通じるものがあると思う。

